Meet Gary Spivey


Gary is a globally renowned Psychic, Medium, and Spiritual healer who has helped thousands of people throughout his lengthy career achieve the connection to Heaven they sought.

The establishment of Zion Healing Crystals marked a pivotal moment in Gary's life. Amidst the chaos wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, Gary contracted the illness, and during his month-long hospitalization, he had a near-death experience. Enduring intense suffering, he relied on his spiritual abilities and the power of others' prayers to pull through. Despite the agony, he dedicated hours each day to meditation, eventually being blessed with the extraordinary ability to access the highest level of heaven - Zion.

During his time in the celestial realm of Zion Heaven, Gary was escorted to rooms constructed entirely of natural crystals, the same crystals that occur on earth. The compassionate spiritual beings inhabiting Zion utilized the healing energy radiating from these rooms to heal Gary's physical body. They also entrusted him with a crucial mission upon his departure from the hospital - to teach others how to use crystals that occur on earth to address physical, mental, and emotional illnesses.

Gary considers himself incredibly fortunate to possess the knowledge of how natural crystals on earth directly link to Zion heaven.